Monday, August 18, 2008


The Way You Wax It!
Waxing the right way is essential for women. Here is a look at the benefits of hot wax and why cold wax is not as effective as it should be.

Read on to know which is the best one for you…

Wonder Wax

Waxing the right way determines the smoothness and beauty of your hands and legs.

In a hot wax, when your hair is pulled, it does not disturb the root of the hair and hair comes out easily.

Cosmetologist and aesthetician Dr. Nishita Sheth says, "Hot waxes remove hair from the root and dead skin cells as well. This leaves your skin soft and smooth."

Elderly people with loose skin should not wax because they tend to wound.

Remember to always check the temperature of the wax before applying it. There is no ideal temperature. Just apply a little hot wax on a small area of your skin and if you can bear it then apply it.

Cold wax tends to stick to the skin. In fact, hair does not come out easily at all.

Since the beautician will apply the wax more than once on a particular area, this could cause your skin to become raw and it may even wound.

If you skin is sunburnt, sore, hurt or has an open wound then waxing the area will only aggravate your skin problem.

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